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#400240: Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper)

Item ID 400240 For Sale No
Identifier Viva_Adul_Hat_SP2 Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Helm of Faith II (Soul Reaper) Type Armor
NPC Buy 0 Weight 10
NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 1
Slots 1 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 180
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Upper Headgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs Soul Linker
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script .@r = getrefine(); if (BaseLevel>=210) { bonus bSMatk,1; bonus bSpl,2; } if (BaseLevel>=230) { bonus bSMatk,2; bonus bSpl,3; } if (.@r>=7) { bonus2 bMagicAddSize,Size_All,5; if (.@r>=9) { bonus bFixedCast,-200; if (.@r>=11) { bonus bFixedCast,-300; bonus bMatkRate,5; } } } bonus bMatk,10*(.@r/2); bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SP_CURSEEXPLOSION",15*(.@r/3); bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_All,7*(.@r/4);
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A helm with the power of faith.
It has the effect of amplifying the effects of Vivatus and Adulter weapons.
Base Level at least 210:
SPL +2, S.MATK +1.
Base Level at least 230:
SPL +3, S.MATK +2.
For each 2 Refine Levels:
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 15%.
For each 4 Refine Levels:
Increases all elemental magical damage by 7%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by 0.2 seconds.
Refine Level +11:
MATK +5%
Decreases Fixed Casting Time by additional 0.3 seconds.
When equipped with Adulter Fides Dark Wand:
Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%.
When equipped with Vivatus Fides Dark Wand:
Decreases Evil Spirit's Curse skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

For each 3 Refine Levels:
Increases damage of Curse Explosion by 5%.
Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by 7%.

If the Weapon's Grade is C or higher:
Increases damage of Exorcism of Malicious Soul by additional 15%.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 10
Position: Top
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 2
Base Level 180
Soul Reaper