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#28561: Ring of Hero

Item ID 28561 For Sale No
Identifier Ring_Of_Brave Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Ring of Hero Type Armor
NPC Buy 0 Weight 10
NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 100
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Accessory Left/Right
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script bonus bAspdRate,10; if (readparam(bStr) >= 120) { bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A ring created by the brave men who fought to defeat Morocc.
It is also said that some Morocc skins are used.
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
Base Level at least 120:
ATK +50
MaxHP +5%, MaxSP +5%
When equipped with Veteran Hammer and Heroic Boots:
Increases critical chance against Undead, Demon and Demi-Human race by additional 50.
Random chance to auto-cast Holy Cross, skill level based on the level of Duple Light, on the enemy when recieving physical or magical damage.
Random chance to auto-cast Level 3 Hell Judgement around yourself and transform the user in Fallen Bishop Hibram for 5 seconds when recieving physical damage.

Refine Level of Veteran Hammer is +7 or higher:
ATK +5%, MATK +5%
Increases damage of Holy Cross by 50%.

Refine Level of Veteran Hammer is +9 or higher:
ATK +15%, MATK +15%
Increases damage of Holy Cross by additional 100%.
When equipped with Veteran Sword and Heroic Boots:
Decreases SP Consumption of Bash by 5.
Decreases SP Consumption of Bowling Bash by 10.

Refine Level of Veteran Sword is +7 or higher:
Increases damage of Bash and Bowling Bash by additional 100%.

Refine Level of Veteran Sword is +9 or higher:
Increases damage of Bash and Bowling Bash by additional 200%.
When equipped with Veteran Axe and Heroic Boots:
Decreases Axe Tornado skill cooldown by additional 0.5 seconds.
Random chance to drop Mastela Fruit when defeating monsters.

Refine Level of Veteran Axe is +7 or higher:
Increases damage of Axe Tornado by 20%.

Refine Level of Veteran Axe is +9 or higher:
Increases damage of Axe Tornado by additional 40%.
Type: Accessory
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 100