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#26155: Meowmeow Foxtail

Item ID 26155 For Sale No
Identifier MeawFoxtail Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Meowmeow Foxtail Type Weapon - Staff
NPC Buy 20 Weight 110
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 4
Range 1 Defense 0
Slots 2 Refineable Yes
Attack 300 Min Equip Level 100
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Main Hand
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script .@r = getrefine(); bonus bMatk,10*(.@r/2); bonus bBaseAtk,10*(.@r/2); bonus bAtkRate,2*(.@r/3); bonus bMatkRate,2*(.@r/3); if (.@r >= 7) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SU_LUNATICCARROTBEAT",15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SU_SV_STEMSPEAR",15; if (.@r >= 9) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; bonus bAspdRate,10; if (.@r >= 11) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SU_PICKYPECK",20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SU_CN_METEOR",20; } } }
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description Mysterious puppy grass where you hear a nipple every time you shake.
It resonates with Ancient Hero's Boots.
MATK +300
For each 2 Refine Levels:
ATK +10
MATK +10
For each 3 Refine Levels:
ATK +2%
MATK +2%
Refine Level +7:
Increases damage of Lunatic Carrot Beat and Silvervine Stem Spear by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 10%
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%
Refine Level +11:
Increases damage of Picky Peck and Catnip Meteor by 20%.
When equipped with Ancient Hero's Boots:
Random chance to increase LUK by 20, ATK and MATK by 15% for 7 sec when dealing physical or magical damage.
Type: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 300
Weight: 110
Weapon Level: 4
Base Level 100