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#22170: Survivor's Shoes

Item ID 22170 For Sale No
Identifier Shoes_Of_Servival Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Survivor's Shoes Type Armor
NPC Buy 10 Weight 50
NPC Sell 5 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 1
Slots 0 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 100
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Footgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script .@r = getrefine(); if (.@r >= 7) { .@hpsp = 20; .@dmg = 10; } else if (.@r >= 5) { .@hpsp = 10; .@dmg = 5; } else { .@hpsp = 3; .@dmg = 2; } bonus bMdef,15; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,.@hpsp; bonus bMaxSPrate,.@hpsp; bonus bMatkRate,.@dmg; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,.@dmg; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,.@dmg;
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A pair of shoes that automatically protects its wearer.
MaxHP +3%
MaxSP +3%
MATK +2%
MDEF +15
Increases Earth and Wind elemental magic attacks by 2%.
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 5%.
Refine Level +5:
MaxHP +7%
MaxSP +7%
MATK +3%
Increases Earth and Wind elemental magic attacks by 3%.
Refine Level +7:
MaxHP +10%
MaxSP +10%
MATK +5%
Increases Earth and Wind elemental magic attacks by 5%.
When equipped with Circlet of Survival:
MATK +10%

If Circlet of Survival Refine Level +7:
Increases Earth and Wind elemental magic attacks by 10%.

If Circlet of Survival Refine Level +9:
Increases Earth and Wind elemental magic attacks by 10%.
When equipped with Manteau of Survival:
MATK +10%

If Manteau of Survival Refine Level +7:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Wind elemental attacks by 15%.

If Manteau of Survival Refine Level +9:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Wind elemental attacks by 15%.
When equipped with Orbs of Survival:
VIT +5
INT +5
Decreases damage taken from Demi-Human race by 3%.
When equipped with Staff of Survival [1]: