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#20721: Cloak of Gray

Item ID 20721 For Sale No
Identifier Cloak_Of_Gray Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Cloak of Gray Type Armor
NPC Buy 20 Weight 60
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 3
Slots 1 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 120
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Garment
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs Knight / Priest / Wizard / Blacksmith / Hunter / Assassin / Crusader / Monk / Sage / Rogue / Alchemist / Bard / Dancer
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10+getrefine();
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description Sculpted out of Gray Shard and infused with Sakray's old, abandoned memories, this manteau protects its wearer against holiness and fear.
Decreases damage taken from Holy elemental attacks by 10%.
For each Refine Levels:
Decreases damage taken from Holy elemental attacks by 1%.
Gray Set Bonus 1:
Gray Manteau
Gray Armor
Gray Helmet
Gray Boots

MaxHP +25%
MaxSP +25%
ATK +10%
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 15%.
Gray Set Bonus 2:
Gray Manteau
Gray Robe
Gray Helmet
Gray Boots

MaxHP +25%
MaxSP +25%
MATK +10%
Decreases damage taken from Neutral elemental attacks by 15%.
Type: Garment
Defense: 3
Weight: 60
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 120
2nd Classes