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#19469: Sacred Crown

Item ID 19469 For Sale No
Identifier Crown_Of_Saint_Jp Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Sacred Crown Type Armor
NPC Buy 20 Weight 60
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 1
Slots 0 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 100
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Upper Headgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script .@r = getrefine(); .@a = 5*(getskilllv("AB_LAUDAAGNUS")+getskilllv("AB_LAUDARAMUS")); .@dmg = 20; .@aspd = 10; bonus bMdef,15; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,"AB_JUDEX",15; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,"AB_ADORAMUS",15; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"AB_JUDEX",-5*getskilllv("AB_ORATIO"); bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"AB_ADORAMUS",-5*getskilllv("AB_ORATIO"); if (getskilllv("AB_CLEARANCE") >= 5) { bonus2 bMagicAddClass,Class_Boss,25; } bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,.@a; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Ghost,.@a; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Earth,.@a; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Neutral,.@a; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,2*.@r; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player_Human,2*.@r; if (.@r >= 7) { .@dmg += 30; .@aspd += 5; if (.@r >= 9) { .@dmg += 50; .@aspd += 5; if (.@r >= 10) { bonus bNoGemStone; } } } bonus bAspdRate,.@aspd; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AB_JUDEX",.@dmg; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AB_ADORAMUS",.@dmg;
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A crown with the sacred aura.
MDEF +15
Decreases After Attack Delay 10%
Decreases SP Consumption of Judex by 15.
Decreases SP Consumption of Adoramus by 15.
Increases damage of Adoramus and Judex by 20%.
For each Level of Oratio:
Decreases the Variable Casting Time of Adoramus and Judex by 5%.
When Clearance is Level 5:
Increases Magical Damage on Boss class by 25%.

For each Level of Lauda Agnus and Lauda Ramus:
Increases Magical Damage against Earth, Ghost, Neutral and Undead elemental by 5%.
For each Refine Level:
Increases Magical Damage against monsters of Demi-Human race by 2%.
Refine Level +7,
Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%.
Increases damage of Adoramus and Judex by 30%.
Refine Level +9,
Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%.
Increases damage of Adoramus and Judex by 50%.
Refine Level +10
Nullifies Gemstone requirement of certain skills.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 5
Position: Upper
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Requirement: None