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#19174: Flying Drone

Item ID 19174 For Sale No
Identifier Flying_Drone Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Flying Drone Type Armor
NPC Buy 20 Weight 10
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 90
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Middle Headgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script skill "MC_OVERCHARGE",9; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,25212,2476,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,6719,3073,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,22567,2942,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,22567,3000,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,22567,3029,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,22567,3097,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,6919,3450,10000; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,6919,3473,10000; /*Todo: When Defeat Realized Amdarais Drop Temporal Crystal (6607) 100%*/
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description It's called Avenger. Created by Blacksmith as scouting aircraft. Allows you to get many rare items when you defeat certain monster.
Enables Level 9 Overcharge.
When you defeat Amdarais, it will drop Condensed Demonic Blood.
When you defeat Realized Amdarais, it will drop Temporal Crystal.
When you defeat Jitterbug, it will drop Tooth of Jitterbug.
When you defeat
Grim Reaper Ankou, God of Despair Morocc, Shadow Demon and Morse Necromancer,
it will drop Expedition Prize Box.
When you defeat
S.J Ernest Wolf or Bijou, it will drop Proof of Royal Family Contribution.
Type: Headgear
Defense: 0
Position: Middle
Weight: 10
Armor Level: 1
Refineable: No
Base Level 90