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#18151: Trail Wanderers & Minstrel's Bow

Item ID 18151 For Sale No
Identifier Probation_Bow Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Trail Wanderers & Minstrel's Bow Type Weapon - Bow
NPC Buy 20 Weight 0
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 3
Range 5 Defense 0
Slots 1 Refineable Yes
Attack 160 Min Equip Level 100
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Two-Handed
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs Bard / Dancer
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction Can't be dropped / Can't be traded with player / Can't be put in Cart / Can't be put in Storage / Can't be put in Guild Storage / Can't be attached in Mail / Can't be auctioned
Item Use Script bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM_MELEE",20; bonus bBaseAtk,6*(min(BaseLevel,160)/10); if (getrefine()>=7) bonus bLongAtkRate,getskilllv("BA_MUSICALLESSON")+getskilllv("DC_DANCINGLESSON");
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A bow for Wanderers and Minstrels which are more or less familiar with bow handling.
When equipped with Enhanced Time Keeper Armor, will makes wearer's body more agile.
Increases damage of Severe Rainstorm by 20%.
For every 10 Base Level:
ATK +6 (Up to Base Level 160).
Refine Level +7:
For each Level of Dancing Lesson/Music Lesson:
Increases long range physical damage by 1%.
When equipped with Enhanced Timer Keeper Hat,
Enhanced Time Keeper Robe,
Enhanced Timer Keeper Manteau,
and Enhanced Time Keeper Boots:
MaxHP and MaxSP +10%

For each 10 base VIT:
Decreases damage from
Neutral elemental attacks by 3%.
(Up to 100 base VIT)

For each 10 base AGI:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%.
(Up to 100 base AGI)

For each
10 base DEX:
HIT +3 (Up to 100 base DEX)

For each
10 base LUK:
Critical +3 (Up to 100 base LUK)
Type: Bow
Attack: 160
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 3
Base Level 100
Bard & Wanderer